Annapurna Explorer – 13 Days

Annapurna Explorer or Annapurna Low Land trek can be done by taking spectacular flight from Kathmandu to the lakeside town of Pokhara or you can drive to Pokhara from Kathmandu by surface takes approximately 06/07 hours under normal road condition where you can enjoy beautiful scenery, landscape along the river Trishuli. By flight you can enjoy spectacular views of the incredible Himalayan Mountains. The Annapurna foothills provide tremendous trekking with delightful trails connecting villages and ridge tops. This picturesque trek winds through enchanting villages with ochre thatched houses, terraced rice fields and rhododendron forests, which are spectacular in the spring when whole hillsides are cloaked in colourful flowers.

For decades, Annapurna I, held the highest fatality-to-summit rate of all principal eight-thousand summits; it has, however, seen great climbing successes in recent years, with the fatality rate falling from 32% to just under 20% from 2012 to 2022.  The mountain still poses grave threats to climbers through avalanche danger, unpredictable weather and the extremely steep and committing nature of its climbing routes, in particular its 3000-metre south face, renowned as one of the most difficult climbs in the world.

The ridge top village of Ghorapani provides one of the finest viewpoints of the Annapurna Mountains with magnificent views of Annapurna, Lamjung, Dhaulagiri and Machapuchare with its fishtail summit. The highlight of this trip is ascending Poon Hill (3193m) for sunrise for a breathtaking panorama of wonderful snow-capped mountains. We return to Pokhara for a luxurious night at one of the lodge in its idyllic location on Phewa Tal Lake. From the beautiful landscaped gardens we may catch a glimpse of the sun setting on the now distant Annapurna and Machapuchare Mountains.

Everest Base Camp & Kala Patthar trek – 18 days.

Everest Base camp and Kala Patthar trek is fairly challenging trek. This classic trek is a variation of the normal Everest trail to avoid the busier standard route and to see Sherpa villages that are less used to visitors. Starting with a spectacular flight from Kathmandu to Lukla, you then trek through the heart of Sherpa country. This challenging trek culminates in either an early morning ascent of Kala Pattar (5545 meters) or the long trek to Everest Base Camp. Kala Pattar looks down on the Khumbu glacier, where the Base Camp is situated in expedition season, and offers superb views of Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse and Makalu.

Good acclimatization is the key factor in ensuring that you are successful in reaching your trek objective. Our side of the trek to the lovely village of Thame takes you off the beaten track, and more builds-in additional acclimatization days. Consequently our success rate for clients reaching their objective, be it Everest Base Camp, or looking down on Everest Base Camp from Kala Pattar, is excellent.

Annapurna Circuits Trek – 22 days

Annapurna Circuit trek is one of the great walks of the world, making a complete circuit of the huge Annapurna Massif in central Nepal; Annapurna Circuit trek provides dramatic mountain scenery and a fascinating mix of local people and culture. Starting from Besisahar, we head north up the Marshyangdi Valley, through lush green foothills and terraced rice fields. Climbing higher we progress through alpine forests to a dry desert region and the Tibetan Buddhist village of Manang. During  Annapurna circuit trek you can have the superb view of Lamjung, Himalchuli, Manaslu and the Annapurnas tower spectacularly over the valley.

Annapurna Circuit trek, the mountain scenery, seen at close quarters includes the Annapurna Massif (Annapurna I-IV), Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, Manaslu, Gangapurna, Tilicho Peak, Pisang Peak, and Paungda Danda. Numerous other peaks of 6000-8000m in elevation rise from the Annapurna range.

The trek begins at Besisahar or Bhulbhule in the Marshyangdi river valley and concludes in the Kali Gandaki Gorge. Besisahar can be reached after a seven-hour drive from Kathmandu or two hours drive from Pokhara. The trail passes along paddy fields and into subtropical forests, past several waterfalls and gigantic cliffs, and through various nomadic villages.

Annapurna Circuit trek has been voted the best long-distance trek in the world, as it combined, in its old full form, a wide variety of climate zones from the tropics at 600m to the Thorong-La pass at 5416m and cultural variety from Hindu villages at the low foothills to the Tibetan culture of Manang Valley and lower Mustang.

While trekking in the Himalayas in the wet season is generally not possible, much of the Annapurna circuit sits within a rain shadow, so it is possible to trek most parts of the circuit year-round, including during the monsoon period. Trekking in the wet season is often encouraged as hikers avoid the crowds that plague the summer months. However, the days are often damp and many of the views are obscured by clouds.

The main season for Annapurna Circuit Trek is from October and November and this is the most popular trekking season in Nepal. Though the weather is generally warm, nighttime temperatures drop below freezing. This is the busiest period on the circuit and tea houses book up very quickly.

However, December to February is the coldest period on the circuit. Depending on the altitude, daytime temperatures will be cold and nighttime temperatures drop well below freezing. The trade-off is that the trails are much less busy. Thorung-La Pass, which stands at over 5400 meters, is often blocked with snow and may be closed for days on end. Unless the snow blocks most trails, tea houses remain open during this period. Clouds prevail more frequently, but clear days are still common. Towards March the rhododendrons start flowering.

You can also opt for April to May, is the second most popular trekking season on the Annapurna circuit, because of the warming weather. Most of the snow has melted. As the monsoon period builds toward the end of May, the days become hotter and more humid.

The highlight of this trek is crossing the famous Thorung-La Pass (5416m) to enter the Kali Gandaki Valley and the long descent to the Hindu temple at Muktinath. We continue down through the deepest gorge in the world before climbing to Ghorapani. Awaking early we ascend Poon Hill (3193m) for a sensational sunrise with views of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna. We return to Pokhara takes us through delightful villages and ends at weeks long trek in Pokhara.